Thank you for your interest in learning more about the role of a table host! ​Truly, you are the primary link to invite guests and populate our banquet! The ​goal of the event is to celebrate all that God has done over the last year to ​enable Nova to open and serve families in our community. The opportunity to ​give financially will be extended.

We do not charge to host a table or attend the banquet. We want to give our ​guests the opportunity to freely and generously give to Nova without the ​additional burden of paying for a table or seat. Instead, we ask local businesses a​nd churches to sponsor our event and cover all of the costs associated with our b​anquet. Their generosity is incredible!

  1. As table host, you will be asked to sign up on our donor website,​, and select which evening you would like to attend.​
  2. Then you will select “Register to attend this event”.​
  3. Fill out all required information and check “Yes, I would like to be a Table​ Host”.​
  4. That’s all there is to registering!​
  1. You will invite guests to attend the banquet. If you prefer to use paper ​invitations, please contact us, and we will provide extras for you to distribute. ​Electronic invitations are available here.
  2. Your goal is to populate the table of eight. Please let your guests know that ​this is a fundraiser, and there will be an opportunity to give at the end of the ​evening.
  3. If your number of guests exceeds the table size, we will place them at an ​adjacent table.
  4. You can either enter your guests into the registration or share the website ​and have them enter their information. All that is required is their name, ​phone number, and email address. All follow up confirmations will be sent ​directly to them.
  5. On the evening of the banquet, you will be asked to pass out information to ​the table at a particular time. You will also collect the pledge forms and give ​them to a runner to be taken to the counting area.

That’s all there is to it! What a blessing you are to Nova as you stand for love ​and life! The table host requirements are minimal, but the return is eternal as we ​seek to share our message of hope with up to 600 guests in attendance!


Would you like to be a table host?

Check “Yes, I would like to be a Table Host.” on your registration!

Pearl heart for love background. Beads shaped heart for women
Pearl heart for love background. Beads shaped heart for women
Pearl heart for love background. Beads shaped heart for women
Pearl heart for love background. Beads shaped heart for women